
Do You Have To Register An Akai Mpk Mini

Bought used Akai MPK Mini MKII, doesn´t have series number on the bottom. Is it useless now?

I bought it off some guy off something similar to Craigslist here. I already texted him, simply no answer yet. Don´t know if he purposefully tried to screw me, but that doesn´t fifty-fifty make sense since the number is no use to him without the device, right?

Is it bricked now, or is there another way to use it with my DAW (FL Studio) other than registering it through Akai?

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level ane

Homie it's plug n' play. If y'all don't see information technology in your daw, check the settings for devices and add it. Idk what your daw's procedure is but reason make you lot click find device and then press a primal with the instrument to locate it

level 2

yeah i merely set it upwards rn, thanks guys

is there whatever fashion to map individual instruments without the akai software, similar drums to drumpads, piano to keys etc?

rn drumpads are working equally piano keys also

level one

You're fine, I take a MPK249 and I hardly utilise the software that came with it. If you paid extra with the intention of getting software with it then maybe endeavour contacting the seller? Otherwise you adept!

level ane

Yeah, it should exist plug and play. Nigh DAWs shouldn't require setup or drivers for it to work.

If you lot're concerned near the free software, I never even installed mine and don't intend to; you can PM me and I'll see if I can find the serials to requite yous.

level two

If he doesnt want them any chance you can shoot those serials to me? Thank you bruvs

level 1

The software that comes with the device isn't worth checking out. Just apply it as regular MIDI controller.


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